
    Lemić production system includes design, technology, quality control and logistics subsystem. Operation of all related sectors is synchronized achieving optimal production capacity with the imperative of the final product quality in accordance with the timeframes and specific project requirements.

    Technology system includes production facilities for facades pre-fabrication, manufacturing of aluminum structures , aluminum and PVC elements, steel and stainless steel construction, composite panels shaping, component insulated metal wall and roof systems and glazing, decorative glass and special-purpose glass production.

    Aluminum Products

    In addition to production of doors, windows and show windows, production drive for aluminum joinery produces facades and other aluminum products. Other machines are also a part of this production drive, such as a machine for frontal finishing of aluminum profiles, CNC - finishing center, 2-head secant for cutting aluminum profiles, etc.

    Composite panels

    CNC machine for processing of composite panels, semiautomatic vertical machine for processing of composite panels and other machines produce panels for building of objects with different purpose. Processing and mounting of wall panels made of composite materials.

    PVC doors and windows

    Production line consists machine for welding linkers, machine for cutting PVC profiles, drillers for enforcements and other machines which are used for mak- ing doors, windows, sills and other PVC products. Windows are one of the strongest arguments in defining the ultimate appearance of your house or residential building. The most prominent features of our windows are beauty and security, along with good thermal and acoustic insulation, and, in addition, easy maintenance.

    Metal Structures

    All types of metal structures, with execution of the works in accordance with design documents. Works are carried out by qualified workers and attested welders and cutting of complex shapes by Water-Jet machine tool.

    Proizvodni pogon se sastoji od mašine Water-Jet, kao i drugih mašina za sečenje i savijanje limova, cevi i nosača i mašine za zavarivanje, prosecanje i probijanje.

    Glass Processing

    Lemic Group manufacture glass-fiber blocks of all types of glass. The glass blocks are manufactured in two variants: one-chamber subtype and two-chamber subtype.

    Powder coating profile

    Powder coating plant for steel and aluminum profiles and a chamber machine for coating of metals. Therefore, our team strives to meet all your expectations, while delivering the highest quality.

    Design Office

    At the design office, our engineers have an appropriate ambient atmosphere adjusted to this type of work, so as to be able to create appropriate technical solutions. It serves primarily to satisfy the client’s desires that he can afford, with technical properties also being taken into account. Our team would therefore always tend to fulfill all your expectations, while simultaneously delivering top quality.

    Sector for domestic and international transport

    The Lemic Group production process has a logistics support of a number of EURO 3 heavy lorries which make its services quicker and more efficient both for the domestic and foreign clients. In addition to covering Lemic Group’s own transportation needs, this department also provides independent transport services at home and abroad. The key element of our success here is our dedicated relationship with the client. Through a wide range of possibilities, we provide full support to our clients in creating their own logistics solutions.

      Design Office

      At the design office, our engineers have an appropriate ambient atmosphere adjusted to this type of work, so as to be able to create appropriate technical solutions. It serves primarily to satisfy the client’s desires that he can afford, with technical properties also being taken into account. Our team would therefore always tend to fulfill all your expectations, while simultaneously delivering top quality.

        Aluminum products

        Production system for aluminum processing Lemić covers all manufacturing processes required for the final product to the highest degree of accuracy of processing and the permanent quality control in a single or series production.

        Aluminum processing

        Proizvodnja Aluminijuma CNC obradni centar za aluminijum Obrada aluminijuma
        Elumatec - obradni centar za sečenje i oblikovanje aluminijumskih profila Obradni centar - detalj iz proizvodnje Lemić Group stalno modernizuje mašinski park, kupovinom mašina sa većom preciznošću i brzom rada.
        Aluminijumski profil Schuco Obrada aluminijuma - obradni centar Obrada aluminijuma
        Izgled složenog profila aluminijumske konstrukcije Obrada profila na obradnom centru Obradni centar
        Obrada aluminijuma    

        Transparentne fasade

        Primena stakla, aluminijuma, kompozitnih panela i nerđajućeg čelika danas predstavlja moderno i široko primenjivano rešenje. S obzirom da fasada predstavlja spoljašnji omotač zgrade, mora ispuniti odgovarajuće zahteve u pogledu zaštite od atmosferskih uticaja, uticaja temperature i buke, zaptivanja i regulisanja uticaja sunca. Upotrebom specijalnog stakla moguće je smanjiti zagrevanje prostorija u letnjem periodu a time uštedeti na energiji potrebnoj za hlađenje. Fasada je i dobar toplotni izolator što smanjuje troškove zagrevanja objekta tokom zime.

        Transparentne fasade

        Aluminijumska vrata i prozori

        Kvalitet, elegantan dizajn i trajnost prepoznatljive su karakteristike Lemić Group familije proizvoda vrata i prozora od aluminijumskih profila. Tačnost izrade i stroga kontrola kvaliteta doprinose visokom zaptivanju i lakoj i neometanoj funkcionalnosti pri korišćenju vrata i prozora.

        Transparentne fasade


        Kombinacijom raznih postojanih materijala kao sto su INOX, aluminijum i staklo mogu se dizajnirati impozantne strukture raznih oblika, a sa ciljem da se naglase ulazi u poslovne, proizvodne i druge objekte.


        Transparentne kupole

        Transparentne kupole i svetlarnici su poseban segment proizvodnog programa Lemić Group. Postavljanje kupole je uobičajeno kod objekata kod kojih arhitektonsko rešenje zahteva osvetljenost prirodnim svetlom.

        Uglavnom kružni oblik uslovljen dizajnom ostalih delova objekta uslovljava visoku preciznost izrade potkonstrukcije, tačne obrade aluminijumskih profija savijanjem uz imperativ potpune zaptivenosti i otpornosti na atmosferske uticaje.

        Transparentne kupole

        Staklene ograde

        Transparentni elementi se izrađuju u sopstvenom pogonu Lemić Group - Pogon za obradu stakla. Konstrukcijski i vezni elementi od inox, aluminijuma ili čelika izrađuju se uz posebnu proceduru kontrole kvaliteta, čime je obezbeđena uniformna obojenost, bezbednost pri tektonskim poremećajima i otpornost na ekstremne atmosferske uticaje (naleti jakog vetra, grad ...).

        Стеклянные перила

          Metal Structures

          • All types of metal structures, with execution of the works in accordance with design documents
          • Works are carried out by qualified workers and attested welders
          • Cutting of complex shapes by Water-Jet machine tool
          • Manufacture of substructure components

            PVC doors and windows

            Production line consists machine for welding linkers, machine for cutting PVC profiles, drillers for enforcements and other machines which are used for mak- ing doors, windows, sills and other PVC products.

            Windows are one of the strongest arguments in defining the ultimate appearance of your house or residential building. The most prominent features of our windows are beauty and security, along with good thermal and acoustic insulation, and, in addition, easy maintenance.

              Composite panels processing

                Glass Processing

                Lemic Group manufacture glass-fiber blocks of all types of glass. The glass blocks are manufactured in two variants: one-chamber subtype and two-chamber subtype.

                Production drive for thermo glass consisted:

                • mechanical table for cutting glass
                • line for production of thermo glass
                • machine for sealing of thermo packages
                • machine for grinding edges
                • machine for sand blasting and line for plasticization of metal

                  Powder coating profile

                  Powder coating plant for steel and aluminum profiles and a chamber machine for coating of metals.

                  Therefore, our team strives to meet all your expectations, while delivering the highest quality.

                    Sector for domestic and international traffic

                    The Lemic Group production process has a logistics support of a number of EURO 3 heavy lorries which make its services quicker and more efficient both for the domestic and foreign clients.

                    In addition to covering Lemic Group’s own transportation needs, this department also provides independent transport services at home and abroad. The key element of our success here is our dedicated relationship with the client. Through a wide range of possibilities, we provide full support to our clients in creating their own logistics solutions.